Ask Robert Winston is a free question-answering service for people seeking impartial fertility advice.
The service, run through Robert’s charity Genesis Research Trust, will then see questions anonymised and published, along with his personal blog. The advice is offered free of charge but it is hoped that those receiving advice will make a donation to the charity to ensure it continues its vital research into women’s and babies’ health.
Genesis Research Trust has made huge contributions in this area. Scientists have led research which reduces the risk of premature labour – the commonest cause of babies dying in the UK. We have found new ways of preventing miscarriage, have improved many treatments for infertility, and pioneered many advances in IVF.
Many important or life-saving innovations were initiated here including the first ultrasound machine, cancer smear tests, the diagnosis of genetic defects in embryos and many advances in women’s cancer treatment.
The Trust raises money for the largest UK-collection of scientists and clinicians researching the causes and cures for conditions that affect the health of women and babies. Robert Winston chairs the Trust on the Hammersmith Campus of Imperial College London.
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